Art Hut Installation: Seeing the Forest For the Bees
Tucked into the forest lie three Art Huts with unique art installations within each. Meet the bees that inspire part Lurch's work.
Wednesday, March 1, 2023
Friday, August 25, 2023
Haliburton Sculpture Forest, College Drive, Haliburton, ON, Canada
About 75% of North American plant species require an insect—mostly bees—to move their pollen from one plant to another to effect pollination. We are familiar with non-native honeybees, but most pollination is done by wild bees. There are more than 400 kinds of wild bees in Ontario—a third of native bee species are reliant on forest habitat. Wild bees are hard to see unless they've landed on something or they're dead, I wanted for them to be seen and their vital role in our ecosystem recognized. The wire describes a shape, but you can see through it. I thought it would be a perfect way to capture that strength of the structure of the bee and get a sense of that invisibility as they move through space. These magnified wild bees as wire sculptures, allow the viewer to encounter a fly-by of bees—a reminder to us of our connection to the land, how plants are pollinated and food is produced. These bee sculptures invite the viewer to notice, look closer and wonder at the variety and the beauty of bees.